This page is dedicated to news and happenings around Praise Assembly.
You can also view our Weekly Schedule and Calendar of Events listing in their entirety.
Parenting 101
/For parents of all ages
March 13 for 9 weeks @ 9am - Room 107
Week # 1- Your Beliefs about Child Discipline
Week # 2- What Does the Bible Say about Child Discipline
Week # 3- A Biblical Pattern of Discipline
Week # 4 -The Difference between Discipline and Punishment
Week # 5 – Shaping a Child’s Will without Breaking their Spirit
Week # 6 – Best Methods of Discipline
Week # 7 – Self- Esteem
Week # 8 – Knowing Your Child’s Uniqueness
Week # 9 – Chores help to Build Self-Esteem
This free class will be taught by Pastor Petrucci.
Parents will receive a Study Guide and a Parenting 101 T-Shirt.
Interested? Sign up below!
Easter 2021 at Praise!
/You’re invited to join us as we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!
For Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021, we will have limited seating but offer two services. You must register online so we can plan accordingly and stay within occupancy limits.
Registration is quick and easy, simply fill out the form for the service time you prefer, and we’ll see you at church!
Free Video Devotionals for Every Age
/As I have mentioned to you online in various Sunday morning messages, our God is in control, He redeems time and situations, and he works all things for good, as we love Him and acknowledge His call in our lives. And so although so much of our lives have come to a halt, and things are not normal, my observation is that the church, in our nation and across the globe, is truly shining.
Necessity has created the need for our local church and our various departments to utilize technology in a very proficient manner. Kids Church, Powerline Youth, Royal Rangers and Girls Ministries have all tried to engage our kids from a distance. And they have done a great job. I have enjoyed coming into your homes each Sunday morning. If you haven’t accessed these online ministries, please do so by clicking here and seeing how you can be part of Praise Assembly online.
Truly we have made the best of a lousy situation. But again, God is using this time to build us into a more powerful and effective church. And the reason that I say this is because not only are you participating in the online ministry opportunities, but many of you are also going deeper into personal devotion and discipleship. Christians are reading their Bibles more, they are praying more and they are doing it on their own, instead of relying only on what church leadership is offering. And this is the true Church.
Church does not have to be centered at any one address. Now, don’t get me wrong, we need to be with one another, so when we open up again plan to be with us. But until that time, keep digging deeper into God’s Word and into your relationship with the King of kings. Remember that a shepherd leads the sheep to good pastures, but the sheep need to choose to eat.
And here’s something that I think you will enjoy and it will be an aid for you to do just that. Our National Assemblies of God leadership has put together 3 weeks of daily devotionals for us. There is a daily devotion for Children, Youth, and Adults. I already viewed the first one for adults and really enjoyed it. Let’s go deeper with God.
Click here to view the free online devotionals from the Assemblies of God.
Until we meet again, blessings to you all
The Road to Christmas Events at Praise
/Dec 1 - No PM Service
Dec 8 - Kids Christmas Musical
Dec 15 - Adult Christmas Dinner
Dec 22 - No PM Service
Dec 24 - Christmas Eve Service - 7 PM
Dec 29 - New Years Eve Potluck and Gathering 5:30 PM; Powerline 5:30-10:30 PM/Children 5:30-7:00 PM
New Summer Series for Elementary Kids Church
/Starting Sunday, June 23 and for the next 12 weeks, we will use special toys to teach kids Bible Stories about how to share God's love with the world, while doing what kids do best: playing with toys! 📣 🦖 🚗 ⛵
Praise PSA: Sunday Night Summer Services
/Sunday night services are cancelled until September 2019.
Please plan on how to use your Sunday afternoons and evenings to reach out to someone who doesn’t yet know Christ.
2019 Vacation Bible School Registration is Now Open!
/📋 Online Registration Click Here!
We are excited to have your kids join us this year for another exciting "Mega Sports Camp - Fundamentals" featuring Baseball, Volleyball, Soccer, and a non-sport option: Performing Arts (Drama) to accommodate those who are unable or less inclined to play sports.
This year's Vacation Bible School is the week of July 8 - 12, from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, at 1421 Old Baltimore Pike, for Pre-K kids, ages 3-5, and kids completing Kindergarten - 5th grade.
When kids face difficult opponents, adversity, getting tired, and high pressure situations, the fundamentals they will focus on this week, will help to lead them to victory. Biblically, we will study how Nehemiah and the Israelites successfully rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem. We will have Scripture-inspired songs, hands-on daily devotionals that include a missions outlook, and nutritious snacks during our halftime rallies. Though we are very careful with our provisions of snacks, we request extra diligence for kids with food allergies, and ask that they bring their own daily snacks for snack time.
Cost of Camp: FREE, however, love offerings will be collected daily to support our 2019 Missions Project: Ignite Eurasia - this project will be highlighted during our Halftime Rallies.
Questions? Contact Ms. Lucie for more information.
Series: Next Level
/Pastor Petrucci shares the next steps on living a blessed Christian life.
Easter Candy Young Adults Fundraiser
/It's time for Easter Candy! The Young Adults are headed to Sri Lanka for a Missions Trip this June and to raise money, they're selling some amazingly delicious homemade candy in the lobby!
Be sure to place your order by Sunday, April 7!